This pre-training questionnaire is designed to help us find out as much as possible from you about the training we will be carrying out for you/your organisation. The content of the training will be based on the responses given, so please be honest/reflective about your training needs and any issues you feel are relevant.

Question Title

* 1. Contact details

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* 2.

At the design stage our highly qualified training team will use the completed survey to meet your identified needs. Please outline below the reason for the training and the position/role of the person/s undertaking the training

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* 3.

Please outline below specific issues you would like covered in the programme including specific topics required if associated with a work issue (racism, sexism, homophobia, etc.)

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* 4.

Please provide up to 3 outcomes you want from the session.
By the end of the course, the delegate will: 

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* 5. Date(s) Training Required

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* 6. Full day/Half day

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* 7. Are you looking for the training to be delivered via video conferencing (Zoom/Teams) or face to face?

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* 8. If face to face, please give location of training venue

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* 9. Please let us know if the individual has specific needs, such as dyslexia, that we need to take into consideration in our course design, planning or delivery. Yes. Please give details and indicate any reasonable adjustments (access arrangements) we can make to support you