Introduction and Environmental Policy

If your committee would like a PDF version of the survey to review in their meeting, please email Kate Bacon at and state if you would like the residential or day centre version of the survey.

By signing the IACC Code of Sustainability, members of the International Association of Conference Centres certify that their facility (1) has agreed to sustain and support IACC’s Environmental Policy; (2) has adopted and currently adheres to a certain percentage of the tenets of the code; and (3) willingly joins other members in an association-wide effort to continually strive for greater sustainability.

Signing the Code of Sustainability demonstrates a level of commitment that far surpasses the adoption of some “green practices.” Rather, it is an affirmation that the property is actively engaged in a holistic endeavor that is woven into the fabric of the organisation from top to bottom.

In addition to doing what’s right for the environment, those that have signed the code realise the three-fold benefits of being a sustainable property: environmental, social and economic.

The environmental benefits range from reducing a member’s carbon footprint… to creating a better work environment… to improving the air and water quality of the property and the surrounding community.

Social benefits include better employee health and well-being; improved perception in the local community; becoming a positive contributor to the sustainability of the planet; and improving the quality of life for future generations. Another benefit is attracting high-quality employees and increased employee retention. This is especially true for employees under 40 years of age.

The economic benefits are increased productivity; cost savings in energy, water and supplies; attracting new business and building greater customer loyalty (planners are searching for venues that have certifications or sustainable programs); improved risk management and safety and the opportunity to collaborate with other innovative companies.

As an active member of the International Association of Conference Centres (IACC), the management and staff of this centre, hereinafter referred to as “the member,” agrees to sustain and support IACC’s Environmental Policy:

"IACC shall be a leader in creating environmental awareness among IACC-member properties and their clients. We do this by communicating the initiatives we have researched and identified as having a lesser environmental impact; by encouraging IACC members to adopt these environmentally responsible practices into their business operations and by continuous improvement to our own management efforts, all with the goal of reducing our carbon footprint and environmental impact."