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* 1. Name: 

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* 2. Organisation (if applicable):

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* 3. Contact email address or phone number: 

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* 4. Where would you rank your current knowledge on opportunities to volunteer in the local area? 1 = low, 10= high

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* 5. What is the main reason for you or your clients wanting to volunteer?

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* 6. How likely are you to recommend volunteering to a friend or client? 10 being most likely

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* 7. Would you say there are enough volunteer roles that are easy to access in your local area?

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* 8. Are you (or your clients) facing any of the barriers when looking to access volunteering? Tick all that apply.

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* 9. What other barriers specific to you (or your clients) have you experienced when accessing volunteering?

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* 10. If you (or your clients) have started volunteering but not continued, what were the reasons behind this?

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* 11. Do you have any suggestions of ways to overcome these barriers?

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* 12. Would you be interested in being part of a focus group to discuss this topic further?