Survey questions for early-career D/deaf artists and arts workers in Scotland

Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. The survey is being conducted by Imaginate, Take Me Somewhere and Puppet Animation Scotland as part a partnership project proposal to the Workplace Equality Fund. See accompanying Project Information document.
1.In the past 3 years, around what proportion of your paid work has been in the arts sector?
2.Which of the following roles have you been paid to work in IN SCOTLAND? Click all that apply.
3.Which of the following roles have you been paid to work in OUTSIDE OF SCOTLAND? Click all that apply.
4.In the arts sector, have you been employed in the following ways? Click all that apply:
5.If you have recently volunteered, or worked on an unpaid basis, for arts organisations in Scotland, please tell us about this here. What roles did you do? Was your experience positive? Please comment:
6.Thinking about your overall experience of the arts sector IN SCOTLAND, please rate the following statements on a scale of 1 to 5, where 1= not at all and 5 = completely.
Arts organisations understand the employment challenges faced by D/deaf workers
Arts organisations are well-equipped to address these challenges
I have felt well-supported as a D/deaf arts professional
7.Can you tell us about any organisations that you have encountered, in Scotland, the UK or internationally, who are particularly good at ensuring accessibility for D/deaf arts professionals? Please comment:
8.What are three significant challenges that you face as a D/deaf arts professional in Scotland? Please comment:
9.On a scale of 1 to 5, how confident are you about securing the support you need to progress your career? 1= not at all confident and 5 = very confident
10.Our project plans to provide funded placements for D/deaf arts professionals in organisations across Scotland.

If you were to undertake a funded placement what skills would you like to develop?  Click all that apply:
11.What would you like to see from your host organisation to make your placement feel welcoming and useful for you? Please comment:
12.Do you feel our project could be useful to you? Click one:
13.Do you have any further comments

If you prefer to answer the survey in BSL please email to book a 10 minute slot to give your feedback to BSL interpreter Yvonne Waddell, on Wednesday August 31 between 5-7pm.