Short Breaks Parent/Carer Questionnaire Summer 2018
Short Breaks Parent/Carer Questionnaire Summer 2018
Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council are reviewing their current Short Breaks offer and would like your feedback to help ensure the new offer meets you and your child’s needs.
Short Breaks provide:
Children and young people aged 0-25 with a disability or learning difficulty an enjoyable experience away from their primary carers
Parents, carers and families a necessary and valuable break from their caring responsibilities
Short Breaks are designed to be fun and imaginative and involve children and young people in activities they enjoy.
A Short Break can be provided in several ways e.g.:
Clubs and group activities – such as after school clubs, weekend clubs, holiday clubs, youth clubs, stay and play.
Participation in universal activities– extra support in the community so your child is able to take part in their chosen leisure activity such as Brownies, Scouts, Swimming.
Support in the home and in the community – such as befriending services, carer support in the family home or in the community.
Overnight respite – such as respite in the home provided by carers, respite in specialist residential provision, group holidays.