Food Security Network for Scotland Question Title * 1. Contact Details Name Organisation Address Address 2 City/Town Email Address Phone Number Question Title * 2. Which of the following best describes your organisation? Food bank Community cafe Community growing project Non-food bank food aid provider (such as a soup kitchen) Financial/welfare rights advice service Other (please specify) Question Title * 3. Does your organisation have connections with any of the following organisations locally? Food banks Community growing projects Community cafes Other community food projects Non-food bank food aid service (such as a soup kitchen) Financial/welfare rights advice service Comments Question Title * 4. Would your organisation like to have better connections with any of the following organisations (mark all which apply)? Food banks Community growing projects Community cafes Other community food projects Non-food bank food aid service (such as a soup kitchen) Financial/welfare rights advice service Question Title * 5. Does your organisation have links with any of the following support services? Welfare rights services Mental health services Housing and homelessness services Addictions services Other (please specify) Question Title * 6. Would your organisation like to have better connections with any of the following services? (mark all which apply) Welfare rights services Mental health services Housing and homelessness services Addictions services Other (please specify) Question Title * 7. How would your organisation benefit from having better connections with others working to address food poverty through emergency food provision, community food projects or income maximisation? Question Title * 8. Would your organisation be interested in being involved in the sort of initiative described in the concept document? Yes, definitely Yes, possibly No Don't know Question Title * 9. What do you think should be the purpose of such an initiative? (please mark all which apply, and suggest your own ideas) Support local partnership building to address food poverty Provide opportunities for learning about current policy, practice and research relevant to addressing food poverty Develop a campaigning voice around issues of food poverty Build the evidence base of the scale of food poverty and emergency food aid use in Scotland Other (please specify) Question Title * 10. Would you attend networking events: Locally Nationally Comments Question Title * 11. What might prevent or limit your organisation's ability to be involved? Question Title * 12. What issues would your organisation be particularly interested in learning about/discussing at such events? Social security and current changes to the system In work poverty The right to food The health impacts of food poverty Homelessness Addictions Other (please specify) Question Title * 13. Have you ever used the Poverty Alliance's website Yes No If yes, what did you think of it? Question Title * 14. How might an online resource like this be useful for groups involved in work to address food poverty? Question Title * 15. Do you currently record monitoring data on use of your service? Yes No Question Title * 16. If yes, what do you record? Question Title * 17. Would your organisation consider sharing monitoring information to help us understand the scale of food aid use in Scotland? Yes No Possibly Other (please specify) Question Title * 18. If you do not collect monitoring information, would your organisation consider doing so in the future? Yes No Possibly Question Title * 19. Please comment on anything else you think we need better understanding of in terms of food aid use and/or food poverty in Scotland Question Title * 20. Please comment on anything else you think would be important to consider in terms of developing this project Done