We'd love to know what you thought of this event.

Thank you for taking a moment to give us your feedback on our Primary Parenting event. We’d love to know your thoughts.

Question Title

* 1. How helpful did you find each of the sessions?

  1 - Not at all helpful 2 3 4 5 - Very helpful
Believe it's not just you - Rob Parsons
Pick your style - Katharine Hill
Choose your battles - Rob Parsons
Practice the power of praise - Katharine Hill
Make a memory - Rob Parsons
Seize the day - Katharine Hill

Question Title

* 2. Did you come away with at least ONE good practical idea to help you in your role as a parent?

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* 3. Overall, how much difference do you think the areas covered at this event will make to your everyday life?

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* 4. Would you like to tell us anything else about the event?

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* 5. How was the event for you, from a technical point of view?

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* 6. Are you:

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* 8. How many children do you have?

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* 9. What age are your children? (Tick all that apply)

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* 10. Do you attend a place of religious worship?

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* 11. Which religion?

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* 12. Have you attended a parenting event/course with Care for the Family in the past?

Question Title

* 13. If yes, did you prefer the live event or the online event?