Thank you for filling in our questionnaire on the Living Frankenstein KS4 resources. Your feedback will enable us to improve our resources in the future!

Question Title

1. What subject do you teach?

Question Title

2. What key stage group did you use the resources for?

Question Title

3. What city/ town or village is your school in?

Question Title

4. Where did you hear about the resources?

Question Title

5. What sections of the resource did you use? (please tick all that are relevant)

Question Title

6. How would you rate the following -

  Not sure Poor Okay Good Excellent N/A
The relevance of the resources to your module and teaching
The teaching resources (plot summary, character profiles etc)
The student activities 
Student engagement with the resources

Question Title

7. What did you like most about the resources?

Question Title

8. What could we improve? 

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100% of survey complete.