Nettlebed Traffic Survey

Have your say on traffic speeds through Nettlebed - it helps the Parish Council to put pressure on the district and county council if we have evidence the majority of residents support specific projects.
1.Are you a Nettlebed Parish resident? This survey is only open to Nettlebed Parish residents, so please stop here if you are not a resident.
2.Do you have concerns about the speed of traffic coming through the village at present?  If no, please stop here.
3.What age group are you in?
4.Do you drive a car?
5.Do you feel there is an issue with drivers ignoring the speed limit through the village?
6.Do you find it difficult to pull out of your drive?
7.Would you like to see the introduction of a 20mph speed through the village
8.Would you like to see ½ gates (white gates marking the entrances to Nettlebed)?
9.Would you like to see Vehicle Activated Speed indicator devices installed around the village?
10.Many thanks for completing the survey – your opinion matters.  Please put your email in the box below if you are interested in being more involved with the parish council.
Current Progress,
0 of 10 answered