We’d like to find out what your thoughts are surrounding charity, Wills,  leaving charity gifts in your Will and use of Will services.
This survey is open to all UK Gransnet users.

All who complete the survey will receive an entry into a prize draw where one gransnetter will win a £100 voucher for the store of their choice (from a list).

Thanks and good luck!

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Question Title

1. When thinking about writing or updating your Will, which of the following applies for you?

Question Title

2. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about writing Wills?

  Strongly agree Somewhat agree Neither agree nor disagree Somewhat disagree Strongly disagree
I understand the benefits of writing a Will
I understand what Cancer Research UK’s Free Will Service offers
I understand the benefits of gifts in Wills to charities
I understand what is meant by the term ‘Gift in Will’
Writing a Will is a good way to support my family and friends in the future
Cancer Research UK’s Free Will Service is a reliable, expert way to write a simple Will for free

Question Title

3. What best describes your feelings surrounding writing and updating a will?

  Is a long and expensive process Is a simple and straightforward process I’m not sure Other
Writing a Will
Updating a Will