Leeds Involving People Membership

Membership Updates

Leeds Involving People would like to ensure your contact details are correct, and that we are sending you information about topics you are interested in.
1.What is your name?
2.What is your gender?
3.What is your ethnicity?
4.What is your phone number?
5.What is your email address?
6.What is your address?
7.What is your postcode?
8.Do you represent an organisation? Please state:
9.Do you have any access needs? Please state what they are:
10.How would you prefer us to contact you?
11.If you have chosen telephone call, what time of day would you prefer us to contact you?
12.If you have chosen telephone call, which day would you prefer us to contact you?
13.Which projects are you interested in?
14.Please tick the box below giving us permission to use the information you have supplied in the following ways:

· To store it securely for membership purposes.

· To communicate with you as a Leeds Involving People member.

· To share with Group/Project Coordinators for those groups/projects that you are a member of/have expressed interest in.

· To send you general information about Leeds Involving People.
Please be advised that you can request for your data not to be used for any of these purposes at any time by contacting us at info@leedsinvolvement.org.uk / 0113 237 4508
Please be assured that your data will not be used for marketing purposes or passed on to third parties.
Current Progress,
0 of 14 answered