Are you currently receiving treatment from a doctor, hospital or clinic?
Are you Currently Pregnant?
Are you currently taking any pills or medicines?
Are you carrying a warning card?
Do you duffer from allergies to penicillin or any medicines (e.g. antibiotics), substances (e.g. latex/rubber) or foods?
Do you suffer from asthma, hay fever or eczema?
Do you suffer from fainting attacks or epilepsy?
Do you suffer from Diabetes?
Have you ever had liver disease (e.g. jaundice, hepatitis) or Kidney disease?
Do you suffer from bruising or persistent bleeding following injury, tooth extraction or surgery?
Do you suffer from Osteoporosis?
Have you ever gad any other Serious illness?
Have you ever gad a bad reaction to general or local anaesthetic?
Have you ever had a joint replacement or other implant?
Have you ever had a heart condition or heart surgery?
do you regularly drink more than 14 units of alcohol per week?
Do you use any tobacco products?
Is there any other information which your dentist might need to know about, such as self-prescribed medicines (e.g. Aspirin)?