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* 1. We use your feedback; on our website; for our literature; for fundraising and for building awareness around the services that SDAC provides.  This feedback always remains anonymous.  Please tick the appropriate box:

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* 2. How useful and supportive were the counselling sessions that you received?

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* 3. Which words best describe your experience of Telephone Counselling? Please tick all those that are appropriate.

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* 4. Were the number of sessions offered to you:

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* 5. Were there any barriers in receiving your counselling?

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* 6. What were the top 3positives of Telephone Counselling Service.  Please list in the boxes below.

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* 7. What were the top 3 negatives of Telephone Counselling Service? Please list in the boxes below.

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* 8. What positive outcomes have you achieved from your counselling sessions?

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* 9. Was there anything overlooked/missing that you would have liked included?

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* 10. Are there any additional comments you would like to add about your experience of Telephone Counselling?

Thank you for taking the time to fill out our feedback form and giving us your opinion.  Clients will benefit from your involvement and opinion.
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