TAU Day Surgery

Thinking about your time in the Trauma Assessment Unit :
1.Overall, how was your experience of our service?
2.Please tell us why you gave your answer.
3.Have you had hand surgery/ foot and ankle surgery / knee aspiration as part of your treatment?
4.Overall, how was your experience of the care and treatment that you have received?
5.Please tell us why you gave your answer.
6.Overall, how was your experience of the communication and information you have received?
7.Please tell us why you gave this answer.
8.Overall, how was your experience of the attitudes and behavior of the staff in the department?
9.Please tell us why you gave this answer.
10.Overall, how was your experience of the cleanliness and safe environment in the department?
11.Please tell us why you gave this answer
12.Please use this text box to tell us about anything else that we could do better.
13.Do you consent to your anonymous responses being made public?