Biomethane Industry Briefing - Survey Questions In March 2022, the Utility Regulator (UR) hosted an industry briefing for biomethane producers and other interested parties. This briefing provided an update on progress to achieve readiness for biomethane injection into the gas networks in Northern Ireland (NI). Updates at the briefing were provided by representatives from the Department for the Economy (DfE), UR, the Green Gas Certification Scheme, and the Gas Network Operators (GNOs) (namely, firmus energy, GNI (UK), Mutual Energy, Phoenix Energy & SGN Natural Gas). Slides and Q&A responses from the last industry briefing are still available on UR’s website ( are now underway to deliver a further industry briefing in October 2023 (full details to be confirmed in due course). The provisional agenda for this briefing is proposed to cover the following key topics: Agenda Item Presenter Project overview for facilitating biomethane connections in NI UR Energy strategy update / Call for Evidence for supporting biomethane production DfE Update on biomethane connection process GNOs Network strategy and addressing network constraints GNOs Opportunities for further engagement & key contacts GNOs Q&A and next steps UR In preparation for this session, the presenters are keen to hear your views. Please provide responses before 25th August 2023. Question Title * 1. How would you describe your role? AD operator Potential AD operator Large Energy User Gas Supplier / Shipper Other (please specify) Question Title * 2. Respondent details Name: Email Address: Postcode of AD plant / Large Energy User (if applicable): Question Title * 3. Please detail your thoughts or suggestions below on the provisional agenda and other areas you might find it useful for inclusion, if updates are available. For AD operators only Question Title * 4. Do you anticipate injecting biomethane into the gas network and if so, within which timescales? Yes No Other (please specify) Question Title * 5. What would you consider to be the primary barrier to progressing with biomethane injection in the near term? For Large Energy Users Only Question Title * 6. Have you introduced any energy efficiency measures or employed any new technologies in the last 2 years to reduce your business carbon footprint. If yes, what type of measures have you employed and what level of energy efficiency has been achieved? Question Title * 7. Do you have any plans to introduce energy efficiency measures or new technologies within your business in the short or medium term to reduce your business carbon footprint? If yes, can you provide some detail on what you are considering? Question Title * 8. How important is a reduction in your business carbon footprint to the following: Company Owner Not important Important Very important Not important Important Very important Question Title * 9. How important is a reduction in your business carbon footprint to the following: Supply Chain Not important Important Very important Not important Important Very important Question Title * 10. How important is a reduction in your business carbon footprint to the following: Your Direct Customers Not important Important Very important Not important Important Very important Question Title * 11. If you could purchase green gas solutions, such as biomethane, from local operators – how interested would you be in introducing this into a % of your gas usage? Not interested Interested Very interested Not interested Interested Very interested Question Title * 12. What would you consider the primary barrier to progressing with purchasing biomethane solutions locally in the near term? Thank you for participating in this short survey. Your feedback is important. Done