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Criteria for referral
  • YP is from an ethnically diverse background.
  • YP would benefit from trauma informed, consistent, positive mentoring.
  • YP is in year 6, 7 or 8.
  • YP seems to have low self-esteem, lack of motivation and ambition.
  • YP could do with some help with understanding their personal and cultural identity and recognising their full potential and self-worth.
  • YP who needs support with developing their organisational and cognitive thinking skills.
  • Neither YP and/or Parent/Guardian have given consent or shown a desire for mentoring
  • YP with special educational needs that professionals know NEED more support.
  • Nb. All referrals are subject to assessment by the Spark2Life Community Mentoring Lead to see if there is a suitable Community Mentor. FAP will be updated with the number of suitable Community Mentors.


Please fill in the referral form with as much information as possible. If there are any issues with the form please contact Éva at or on 07977948516.

Question Title

* 2. Your name

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* 3. Your role or relationship with the young person you are referring

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* 4. Date of referral


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* 5. Your phone number

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* 6. Your email address

Young person's details:

Question Title

* 7.
First name of referee

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* 8. Surname of referee

Question Title

* 9. YP's Date of birth


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* 10. Gender

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* 11. Ethnicity

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* 12. Religion

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* 13. First language

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* 14. Main reason for referral

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* 15. Please select focus areas you feel the young person needs to develop.

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* 16. Additional comments or any other areas you think YP could do support with

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* 17. Name of School YP attends

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* 18. Year group

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* 19. Name of head of year

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* 20. Name of School DSL

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* 21. School DSL email address:

Question Title

* 22. School start date


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* 23. YP's details

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* 24. Consent

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* 25. Name of Parent/carer

Question Title

* 26. Parent/carer contact

Adult referees only

Question Title

* 27. Last known offending history

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* 28. Last known offending history

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* 29. Referrer's Commitment