What do you want to see from a Single Trade Window? Have your say to Cabinet Office.

The government has committed £180 million to build a UK Single Trade Window that will reduce the cost of trade by streamlining trader interactions with border agencies.
According to the World Customs Organization (WCO), a Single Trade Window is a facility that allows parties involved in trade and transport to lodge standardised information and documents with a single entry point to fulfill all import, export, and transit-related regulatory requirements.
Acting as the main interlocutor between the international trade industry and the UK government, the IOE&IT has already fed back your initial thoughts and concerns about this new platform following a survey earlier this year.
As part of its continued dialogue with the Cabinet Office, the IOE&IT is asking you for further input. By taking the short survey below, you can have your say about this vital step in the digitalisation of UK trade.
Any responses you provide will be anonymised before being aggregated for submission to Cabinet Office and the wider government.
If you are not sure what a Single Trade Window is or what its implications for UK trade would be, you can read the policy discussion paper that the Cabinet Office published in February 2022.
1.What sector is your business in?
2.What is the size of your business?
3.Which of the following benefits are most important to your business? (Select all that apply)
4.Which of the following government systems do you currently access? (Select all that apply)
5.Do you think different supply chain actors should be allowed to input information into the Single Trade Window to support advanced supply chain information? 
Supply chain actors could include the overseas exporter or importer, logistics service providers, trade intermediaries, and overseas governments. 
6.What additional support do you think SME's should receive to ensure they benefit from using a Single Trade Window? 
7.Will you consider inputting data directly into a Single Trade Window?
8.Do you consider clear education, training, and/or an information portal as an integral and required part of the implementation of a Single Trade Window?
Current Progress,
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