Choose your favourite 3 Mental Elf blogs from 2019
We published 145 blogs on the Mental Elf in 2019 and we want you to nominate your top 3 from this shortlist of the top 38 blogs chosen by our in-house team. If you'd like to re-read some blogs first you can
review a list of the top 38 blogs before making your choice (link opens in new window)
Choice 1
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1. “It doesn’t mean they aren’t after you”: sexual minorities and paranoia
2. “Mens sana in corpore sano”: outdoor activities can shape the body and mind
3. Are antidepressants safe? A new umbrella review of observational studies suggests they are, but we need more accurate data
4. Can we screen-and-treat victims of terror attacks?
5. Cannabis use in the developing brain: evidence from a recent cross-sectional meta-analysis
6. Compulsory Community Treatment does not reduce readmissions or length of stay in hospital
7. Compulsory detention under the Mental Health Act: significantly more likely if you come from a BAME or migrant group
8. Depression in young people: are we researching what matters most?
9. Disability rights, mental health treatment and the United Nations #RonR2019
10. High suicidality among people experiencing domestic abuse: findings from a mixed methods Refuge study #VAMHN
11. How should we assess suicide risk in mental health services, or should we stop doing it?
12. iCBT for panic disorder
13. In adults with major depression, antidepressants may increase the risk of suicide
14. Is self-management ready for the mental health mainstream?
15. Life after leaving hospital: when does a duty of care end?
16. Loneliness and sedentary behaviour: time to take a stand?
17. Mental Health Act review: the demise of the nearest relative?
18. Mental health research funding: we are still not getting our fair share
19. Mental illness in clinical psychologists: stigma stops people from seeking help
20. New mothers and intimate partner violence: how can nurses help?
21. NHS England’s new framework for community mental health services
22. Open Dialogue: what’s the evidence?
23. Prescribing lithium for bipolar disorder: are we too scared?
24. Prescription drug misuse in women: US review inconclusive
25. Psychosis and physical health: listening to patients and family carers
26. Quit playing games with my… head? Online therapeutic games for LGBTQ+ youth #MindTech2019
27. Racial disparities in bipolar disorder diagnosis and treatment: time to talk about racism
28. Self-harm in older adults: a forgotten group?
29. Smoking cessation for people with severe mental illness? “Oh yes they can!” SCIMITAR+
30. Suicide and mental illness in low- and middle-income countries
31. Suicide risk assessment among psychiatric inpatients: pessimism around predictive power
32. The impact of racism on mental health
33. The Recovery Narrative: challenging the dominance of a narrative genre #RonR2019
34. The science of suicide prevention: Innovative technologies and ethical implications #IASP2019
35. The Trial: pharmacotherapy versus psychotherapy for schizophrenia – how do trials compare?
36. Transdiagnostic approaches to mental health: Keeping the baby and throwing out the bathwater
37. Treating PTSD in children and young people #ISTSS2019
38. Will increased medication adherence, even if ‘coproduced’, solve the problem of ethnic inequalities and injustices in BAME communities?
Choice 2
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1. “It doesn’t mean they aren’t after you”: sexual minorities and paranoia
2. “Mens sana in corpore sano”: outdoor activities can shape the body and mind
3. Are antidepressants safe? A new umbrella review of observational studies suggests they are, but we need more accurate data
4. Can we screen-and-treat victims of terror attacks?
5. Cannabis use in the developing brain: evidence from a recent cross-sectional meta-analysis
6. Compulsory Community Treatment does not reduce readmissions or length of stay in hospital
7. Compulsory detention under the Mental Health Act: significantly more likely if you come from a BAME or migrant group
8. Depression in young people: are we researching what matters most?
9. Disability rights, mental health treatment and the United Nations #RonR2019
10. High suicidality among people experiencing domestic abuse: findings from a mixed methods Refuge study #VAMHN
11. How should we assess suicide risk in mental health services, or should we stop doing it?
12. iCBT for panic disorder
13. In adults with major depression, antidepressants may increase the risk of suicide
14. Is self-management ready for the mental health mainstream?
15. Life after leaving hospital: when does a duty of care end?
16. Loneliness and sedentary behaviour: time to take a stand?
17. Mental Health Act review: the demise of the nearest relative?
18. Mental health research funding: we are still not getting our fair share
19. Mental illness in clinical psychologists: stigma stops people from seeking help
20. New mothers and intimate partner violence: how can nurses help?
21. NHS England’s new framework for community mental health services
22. Open Dialogue: what’s the evidence?
23. Prescribing lithium for bipolar disorder: are we too scared?
24. Prescription drug misuse in women: US review inconclusive
25. Psychosis and physical health: listening to patients and family carers
26. Quit playing games with my… head? Online therapeutic games for LGBTQ+ youth #MindTech2019
27. Racial disparities in bipolar disorder diagnosis and treatment: time to talk about racism
28. Self-harm in older adults: a forgotten group?
29. Smoking cessation for people with severe mental illness? “Oh yes they can!” SCIMITAR+
30. Suicide and mental illness in low- and middle-income countries
31. Suicide risk assessment among psychiatric inpatients: pessimism around predictive power
32. The impact of racism on mental health
33. The Recovery Narrative: challenging the dominance of a narrative genre #RonR2019
34. The science of suicide prevention: Innovative technologies and ethical implications #IASP2019
35. The Trial: pharmacotherapy versus psychotherapy for schizophrenia – how do trials compare?
36. Transdiagnostic approaches to mental health: Keeping the baby and throwing out the bathwater
37. Treating PTSD in children and young people #ISTSS2019
38. Will increased medication adherence, even if ‘coproduced’, solve the problem of ethnic inequalities and injustices in BAME communities?
Choice 3
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1. “It doesn’t mean they aren’t after you”: sexual minorities and paranoia
2. “Mens sana in corpore sano”: outdoor activities can shape the body and mind
3. Are antidepressants safe? A new umbrella review of observational studies suggests they are, but we need more accurate data
4. Can we screen-and-treat victims of terror attacks?
5. Cannabis use in the developing brain: evidence from a recent cross-sectional meta-analysis
6. Compulsory Community Treatment does not reduce readmissions or length of stay in hospital
7. Compulsory detention under the Mental Health Act: significantly more likely if you come from a BAME or migrant group
8. Depression in young people: are we researching what matters most?
9. Disability rights, mental health treatment and the United Nations #RonR2019
10. High suicidality among people experiencing domestic abuse: findings from a mixed methods Refuge study #VAMHN
11. How should we assess suicide risk in mental health services, or should we stop doing it?
12. iCBT for panic disorder
13. In adults with major depression, antidepressants may increase the risk of suicide
14. Is self-management ready for the mental health mainstream?
15. Life after leaving hospital: when does a duty of care end?
16. Loneliness and sedentary behaviour: time to take a stand?
17. Mental Health Act review: the demise of the nearest relative?
18. Mental health research funding: we are still not getting our fair share
19. Mental illness in clinical psychologists: stigma stops people from seeking help
20. New mothers and intimate partner violence: how can nurses help?
21. NHS England’s new framework for community mental health services
22. Open Dialogue: what’s the evidence?
23. Prescribing lithium for bipolar disorder: are we too scared?
24. Prescription drug misuse in women: US review inconclusive
25. Psychosis and physical health: listening to patients and family carers
26. Quit playing games with my… head? Online therapeutic games for LGBTQ+ youth #MindTech2019
27. Racial disparities in bipolar disorder diagnosis and treatment: time to talk about racism
28. Self-harm in older adults: a forgotten group?
29. Smoking cessation for people with severe mental illness? “Oh yes they can!” SCIMITAR+
30. Suicide and mental illness in low- and middle-income countries
31. Suicide risk assessment among psychiatric inpatients: pessimism around predictive power
32. The impact of racism on mental health
33. The Recovery Narrative: challenging the dominance of a narrative genre #RonR2019
34. The science of suicide prevention: Innovative technologies and ethical implications #IASP2019
35. The Trial: pharmacotherapy versus psychotherapy for schizophrenia – how do trials compare?
36. Transdiagnostic approaches to mental health: Keeping the baby and throwing out the bathwater
37. Treating PTSD in children and young people #ISTSS2019
38. Will increased medication adherence, even if ‘coproduced’, solve the problem of ethnic inequalities and injustices in BAME communities?
Your name
Which of these roles best describes you?
Patient, service user, survivor or activist
Carer, family member or supporter
Researcher, scientist or academic
Mental health nurse
Approved mental health professional
Occupational therapist
Social care professional
Health visitor
Public health professional
Primary care professional
Other health professional
Librarian or information scientist
Charity worker
Policy maker
Other (please specify)