Listening and Learning - Equality, Diversity and Inclusion in the Housing Sector
Positive About Inclusion design and deliver bespoke solutions to housing providers to support them to embed equality, diversity and inclusion within their organisations. But we are keen to learn more about what you think are the barriers to doing this. Please tell us a little bit about yourself and then answer our 'killer questions.' The results will be analysed and our findings and recommendations will be shared for FREE with everyone who took part. All responses are confidential - we're asking for an email address just so that we can send you the results (and nothing else!)
Lucy and Karen
Please provide your full name:
Please tell us which organisation you're from:
Please provide your email address:
Which part of the organisation do you work in?
Operations/front line
HR/Learning & Development
Policy/Governance/Support Services
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Team
Other (please specify)
Thinking about your organisation now, what has helped you progress EDI the most?
Media coverage/increase in societal awareness
Senior Leadership commitment
Colleague/staff network group expectations
Increased focus from national housing bodies
Other (please specify)
What are the key elements that would support your progression to the next stage of your EDI journey? (select as many as apply)
Senior Leadership sponsorship and/or awareness raising
Colleague training and awareness raIsing
Structured decision making (supported with a robust equality impact assessment framework)
Inclusive recruitment and selection
Suppliers and contractors who support your EDI objectives
A diagnostic of current position with recommendations for improvements
A strong EDI policy and procedure
Other (please briefly specify)