RALC Member Survey on  SSALC / ESALC Services to Rother Parishes


We are surveying all Rother Clerks to find out what our members think of the services SSALC (Surrey & Sussex Association of Local Councils) and ESALC (East Sussex Association) provide to local councils.  If you are able to differentiate between SSALC and ESALC that is useful, but it is not essential.  Please complete on behalf of your Council by Friday 8th January (there are only 5 short questions).  The results will be discussed at the next RALC meeting on 13th January.
1.What do you value most about SSALC and ESALC?
2.Which SSALC / ESALC services have you used in the last 2 years, and how often?
3.Which essential services do you think  SSALC / ESALC should provide for their members?
4.Are there any additional services you would like SSALC / ESALC to provide if there were funds to do so?

5.Any other comments
Current Progress,
0 of 5 answered