Parent/Carer Feedback Form

CoMET parent/carer feedback form

CoMET always aim to provide high quality patient care and your feedback will help us monitor and improve our services. We value your opinion and appreciate that you have taken the time to complete this survey, thank you!
1.Were you informed about the reason for your child's transfer?
2.Did the transport team introduce themselves?
3.Was the transport process clearly explained to you?
4.Did the CoMET team provide you with an information booklet?
5.Did you feel like you were regularly updated on the condition of your child?
6.Were you given contact and travel information for the hospital to which your child was being transferred to?
7.Were you satisfied overall with the care given to your child?
8.If you have answered no to any of the above questions or have any further suggestions or comments to feed back to the team please detail below
Current Progress,
0 of 8 answered