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Questions for Young People

Answer the following six questions to the best of your ability. They are asking you to think back on your most recent involvement in this youth organisation or activity. It only takes a few minutes to complete. 

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* 1. In the last year, how often have you engaged in these activities with your youth organisation?

  Never Once or twice Three to five times  Six to ten times Eleven or more times
Physical activities (E.g. sports, dance, street sport, walking, cycling, outdoor activities etc.)
Cultural activities (E.g. art, drama, music, storytelling, film, radio digital media etc.)
Attend an event (E.g. music, sports, theatre, cinema, festivals etc.)
Access to the outdoors (E.g. parks, woodlands, beaches, mountains, rivers, lochs, canals etc)
Take part in decision-making (E.g. be on a committee, an organising group, campaigning etc.)
Go on a residential or day trip in Scotland
Take part in a trip abroad or youth exchange
Give back to your community (E.g. fundraising, volunteering, inter-generational work etc.)

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* 2. Do you agree with the following?

  Strongly disagree Disagree Neither agree nor disagree Agree Strongly agree
I have a youth worker that looks out for me
If I needed help with something I feel I could speak to a youth worker
This youth organisations gives me support that I can't really get anywhere else
There is someone here that knows me and takes time to try and understand my needs
People here have helped me sort stuff out that was difficult 
People here treat me with respect
People here have helped me discover what I'm good at
Youth work has helped me stay out of trouble
Youth work has moved me away from anti-social or criminal behaviour

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* 3. Have you achieved any of the following awards or certificates? (select all that apply)

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* 4. What is the name of your group or youth organisation?

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* 5. How old are you?

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* 6. Which of the following best defines your ethnicity? (Please choose only one.)

The information is being gathered independently by Catch the Light youth consultancy. All responses are anonymous and individuals identities are not used in any reporting. All information is handled in accordance with GDPR guidelines. Reports are submitted to YouthLink Scotland and will be shared with the Scottish Government and their stakeholders.
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