Careers and transition stakeholder feedback
Are you a..?
Staff member
Partner (eg college, employer, other agency)
Alumni (ex pupil)
Other (please specify)
Are you aware of what we offer to support careers and transition from the following list?
Dedicated careers staff and fully stocked careers room
Labour market information (pay and prospects for differing jobs and career routes)
Linked curriculum in English, Maths and Science and PHSEE in particular
Supported work experience programme
Employer visits (on and offsite)
College and university visits
Personal guidance from Services for Young People
Support from other agencies such as the Mental Health Support Team
Mentoring time to discuss transition
Initial support at the next setting from Roman Fields staff
Travel training
Alumni contacts
Training for staff and governors
Other (bespoke support) that you may have had please specify
Do you have any suggestions to improve or change what we offer?
Nothing to suggest - you're doing great!
You're doing great and here is some feedback (leave in the box below)
I'd like to suggest some changes (leave in the box below)