National Lottery Community Fund - Outcome Evaluation

Accessibility, Fitness, Well-being, Inclusion

At Tailored Leisure, we aim to provide products and services that break down barriers and tackle inequalities in accessing well-being, leisure and fitness services, for people with long term conditions or disabilities. We hope our services help people to become healthier, feel less isolated and connected with their community. By participating in this survey you can help us measure if we are achieving our goals.
1.How do you rate the accessibility of the community venue we are delivering our products and services from?
2.Do you feel your fitness has improved, since attending classes with Tailored Leisure?
3.What areas of your fitness do you feel has improved?
4.Do you feel connected  with your local community when accessing services at Tailored Leisure?
5.Do you feel less isolated and lonely, when accessing services at Tailored Leisure?
6.Do you feel your confidence and self esteem has improved by attending Tailored Leisure Services?
7.Do you feel your well-being has improved since accessing products and services with Tailored Leisure?
8.Do you agree that products and services offered at Tailored Leisure are delivered in an inclusive manner?
9.Do the Tailored Leisure Team, make adjustments to ensure our products and services are accessible to you?
10.Which location do you attend Tailored Leisure Services at?