COP26 Hosting Platform - Input, Feedback & Bug Reporting |
Thank you for helping us to build this platform! With your input and feedback we will ensure that it is usable and accessible - a valuable tool for COP26 and climate events in the future.
Sign up here to become a Host!
With the platform now under construction, we have created this survey to make it easy to implement changes whilst keeping the feedback mechanism as simple as possible.
Following the sign up workflow, the survey replicates text fields and functions on the platform and provides space to comment or propose wording changes. No questions are mandatory and there is space for general feedback and bug reporting at the end.
Thanks and Enjoy : )
Following the sign up workflow, the survey replicates text fields and functions on the platform and provides space to comment or propose wording changes. No questions are mandatory and there is space for general feedback and bug reporting at the end.
Thanks and Enjoy : )
p1. Guide
P2. Creating your Profile
P3. Uploading a Host Space
p4. Additional Sections & Bug Reporting