BSAC Online learning

Please complete this survey to help us understand the demand for different types of online learning so we can schedule the most suitable centralised programme for members.

Please bear in mind…

1. Other than any required training packs (required for lessons to be ‘signed off’ towards a qualification), these online sessions are free to members.

2. Even if you have gained a qualification, for example, Sports Diver, there is no reason you can’t sit online lectures again if you’d like to brush up.

3. If you have an interest in a specific module, but not necessarily completing the whole course, please just state the modules you’d be interested in attending. For example, you may like to attend the oxygen administration related modules from the Dive Leader course but perhaps not at this moment in time have plans to complete the whole Dive Leader course.

4. If your club is delivering online learning but you either missed a session or would like to recap, you can always take part in the centralised programme to top up.