Inclusion Form: Cryptic Nights Call Out 2024

Inclusion, Equalities, Diversity and Accessibility Monitoring Form 2023

As part of our commitment to becoming a fully inclusive organisation, we listen to and aim to engage with the broadest range of people.  To achieve this, we are striving to understand more about who works with us and/or uses our services - we'll use this data to develop our call out and engagement strategy.

All information entered into this form is:
Will not be shared with the selection panel;
Anonymous; and
Will only ever be reported in summary form.
1.How would you describe your ethnic origin?
2.How would you describe your gender?
3.How would you describe your sexual orientation?
4.Do you identify as trans?
5.The following questions and how we are asking them is based on our research into best practice in gathering data about disability from other organisations in the UK. 
Do you identify as a person who is disabled, d/Deaf, neurodivergent or has a long-term physical or mental health condition?
6.If you have a disability, please select from the following?
7.What age are you?
8.We are interested in exploring socio-economic inclusion, the question below is the current best practice approach to capturing this information - if you have any feedback on this there is space at the end of the survey.

Please tell us about the occupation of your main household earner when you were aged 14.   Please tick one box to show which best describes the sort of work your primary household earner undertook at this time.
9.What is your postcode?  We will only retain this information to ensure that all applications are complete.  This information is not shared with the selection panel.
10.Do you have any feedback on this form?