Hi thank you so much for booking your jewellery making experience with us here at The Jewellers Peg. We would love your feedback.

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* 1. Your name

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* 2. Your email address (this is private and will not be published)

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* 3. Do all persons attending agree for the images taken from your jewellery making session to be used for advertising, social media etc

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* 4. Please write your review here: (please note this will be made public on the website, on socials and possibly print)

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* 5. The following questions are optional marketing questions. They won't be published and could really help us as a small business to improve where necessary.

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* 6. How did you find us/ hear about us?

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* 7. Did you find the booking process easy?

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* 8. Looking back over your whole experience from booking through to participating in the class, is there anything you feel we need to improve?

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* 9. Please leave any additional comments you may have here:

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* 10. Thank you for taking the time to complete this form