Social investment practitioner notes - survey

Please take 2 minutes to complete this survey for IPIECA.

Your input will be invaluable in helping us get a better idea of who is using the guidance we produce and how. This will assist us in improving the delivery of future guidance.

Your answers will be completely anonymous, but you may wish to provide your name and email address at the end to be contacted for further input.

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* 1. Which of the following most accurately describes you? You are:

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* 2. Which region of the world do you work in?

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* 3. How did you find out about this note?

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* 4. How would you describe your level of expertise in social investment? Scale from 0 (no expertise) to 10 (expert)

0 5 10

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* 5. What particular challenges do you face in social investment?

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* 6. The IPIECA’s Practitioner Notes series on social investment is currently composed of three notes on the following topics:
  • Redefining key components of social investment
  • Monitoring and evaluation of social investment
  • Social investment across the oil and gas project life cycle

Are there other topics in social investment you believe would deserve IPIECA’s attention?

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* 7. Beyond social investment, how-if at all- could IPIECA add value to existing guidance on the broader social performance discipline (what are your needs, if any)?

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* 8. OPTIONAL: Name

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* 9. OPTIONAL: Company

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* 10. OPTIONAL: Email address