Question Title

* 1. Do you have evidence of suppliers not being proportionate or reasonable regarding charges necessary to secure a contract, including security deposits? If so, please provide us with details.

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* 2. Do you have suggested solutions to the concerns around high costs requested to secure a contract and manage risk?

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* 3. Do you believe there has been an improvement in terms to contract as market conditions start to show signs of improvement? Please explain your answer.

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* 4. Do you have evidence to support the allegation that suppliers have been inflating prices in response to the introduction of the Energy Bill Relief Scheme? If so, please provide us with details.

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* 5. What issues are you aware of businesses having in relation to deemed contracts?

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* 6. Are there any other matters not discussed above related to pricing and contractual behaviour that you would like us to explore? Please provide details and your reasons.

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* 7. Do you believe there has been an increase in offers to contract in the past year as wholesale market conditions improved, or are there are segments of the market that are still struggling to secure contracts?

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* 8. Are suppliers following the best practice steps around debt management and disconnection that we highlighted in our December 2022 letter or do you think that licence conditions need amending? Please provide evidence for your views and details of any specific examples.

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* 9. Are suppliers’ complaints process easy to find on their websites, or elsewhere? Do you believe we need to strengthen the rules around complaints processes? Please explain the reasons for your response.

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* 10. To what extent do you believe the communication you receive from your nondomestic supplier is clear and transparent? Please provide examples where possible.

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* 11. Do you think the issues around Change of Tenancy/Occupier are significant? What potential solutions would you suggest to address the perceived shortfalls in the existing Change of Tenancy and Change of Occupancy processes, that do not exacerbate the potential for fraud? Call for input on the Non-Domestic gas and electricity market 24

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* 12. Are there any other issues you would like to highlight related to competition in the non-domestic supply market? Please provide detailed explanations.

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* 13. Do you believe that there are segments of the non-domestic supply market, other than microbusiness customers, where there is not sufficient market pressure to correct any potential inappropriate supplier behaviours? Please provide detailed descriptions of these customers and evidence to explain your view, including what aspects of harm the regulations would need to help protect against.

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* 14. If you responded yes to question 13, please suggest how these customers could be defined in the supply licence and identified by suppliers and customers.

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* 15. If we expanded the definition of microbusiness customers or created a new class if customers, what are the possible implications and costs of doing this?

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* 16. What additional protections do you think might need to be put in place to protect domestic customers who are supplied via a non-domestic contract? Please provide an explanation or evidence of the areas of harm any new regulation would protect against.

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* 17. Do you have any further comments about how the non-domestic market is currently segmented?

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* 18. Contact details

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* 19. Would you like your answers to remain anonymous?