We are doing some research funded by Nesta's Creative Industries Policy and Evidence Centre that will help us build evidence to attract funding for creative industries companies in Devon and Cornwall.  We are interested to know how your business has adapted and changed over the pandemic and what policies, activities and investment might help you.

About the research

Some data suggests that rural and geographically dispersed creative industries have done relatively well during the pandemic and have adapted to changing conditions. We would like to know whether this is the case for Cornwall and Devon’s creative industries, and if so, in what way.

We want to find out what opportunities the pandemic has produced so far and might create in the future; what stops you being able to make the most of any opportunities; and how you think policy makers, universities, technology infrastructure providers and investors could stimulate CI innovation in the region.

By completing this survey, you agree to share the information with researchers at the University of Exeter who are working on this project.

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* 1. Name of business:

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* 2. What does your business do

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* 3. Do more of your staff or contractors/freelancers work remotely outside the region than before the pandemic?

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* 4. What are the key attributes that would persuade you into taking up office space? Tick up to 4 responses.

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* 5. Are you aware of regional policies aimed at supporting the Creative Industries?

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* 6. If you had access to more funding/financial support, what would your priority be? Choose up to three.

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* 7. Are there any changes you've made to your business during the pandemic that you intend to stick with going forward?

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* 8. How has your sense of being a part of a local creative community changed over the pandemic?

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* 9. How have your clients or audiences changed over the pandemic?

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* 10. If you could make one suggestion to local creative industries policymakers in Devon and the South West what would it be?

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* 11. Would you be happy to be contacted by a researcher on the project to talk about this further?