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* 1. This is the first of fourteen questions in the survey - thank you in advance for working through each one. First of all, we need to know if you're completing the survey on behalf of an organisation or writing in a personal capacity.

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* 2. Which church are you writing about? (Don't worry, you can complete additional questionnaires for other sites if you like!) Please state the location and dedication, as in 'Sapperton, St. Kenelm's'. Thank you.

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* 3. People are involved with our sites in so many different ways. In your own words, please describe your relationship with the church building.

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* 4. Some people are actively involved at the churches we look after together. If you're part of this group, tell us about your involvement. Cleaning, attending services and fundraising are just a few of the most frequent activities we share, but we'd appreciate as much detail as you might be happy to provide.

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* 5. In your own words, and having reviewed 'Part A' of our church plan (sent to you by email with the invitation to this questionnaire), please describe a perfect outcome for our work together at the church. What would you like to see happen in terms of community involvement and other use of the building?

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* 6. Bearing in mind the repair liabilities and running costs described in the report you've read, what challenges do you anticipate for a sustainable future at your church?

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* 7. Thinking about local life away from the church, which other community projects or activities are you aware of that could combine with our work to protect the church for the future?

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* 8. Here are two questions together... Could increased use of the church benefit the community? How would this increased use benefit the church itself?

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* 9. What do you think are the most important conservation priorities at your church? For each or all of these priorities, please also let us know about any ideas you have for addressing them.

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* 10. Income and expenditure for the church is detailed in 'Part A' of the report we sent you. Addressing conservation priorities will entail finding new ways to raise funds. Tell us about any ideas or opportunities you have identified for raising additional income at the church.

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* 11. What do you think might be the best ways to get started with any fundraising activities you have suggested?

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* 12. If you don't already, would you be interested and available to take part in future fundraising activity?

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* 13. Almost done! We'd like to invite you to join us in a group discussion about the church later this year, either in person or through 'phone / video conference. Would you be willing to join the discussion?

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* 14. Last question! Is there anything else you'd like to share about your interest in the church which we haven’t asked you already? Otherwise, thank you again so much for reflecting on the future of the church through your answers.

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* 15. Thank you for taking the time to fill in this survey. We’d appreciate it if you could leave your name and contact details, so that we can be in touch regarding your responses to this survey, and about the church in general .