FM Briefing - Lockdown Survey

1.In terms of your professional role, are you an...
2.What has been your biggest challenge in terms of working from home?
3.What has your workload been like since lockdown started?
4.Would you be interested in attending one or two-day virtual industry events that facilitate match-made meetings between buyers and suppliers?
5.What day of the week would you prefer?
6.What sort of topics would you like to see covered? (tick all that apply)
7.As well as seminar sessions, are you interested in the following? (tick all that apply)
8.What day would you prefer to attend Webinars/Virtual Networking/Roundtables?
9.What time of day would you prefer to attendWebinars/Virtual Networking/Roundtables?
10.If you're an Industry Buyer, what do you expect your budgets to look like after Lockdown ends?
Current Progress,
0 of 10 answered