ISW certificate - end of training feedback survey

1.I would highly recommend this course to my colleagues (Required.)
2.How would you rate the courses overall design?(Required.)
3.How would you rate the quality of the content of each module?(Required.)
Very high quality 
High quality 
Neither high nor low quality 
Low quality 
Very low quality 
Intercountry Adoption 
Forced Marriages and Harmful Practices 
FGM and GBV 
International Parental Child Abduction 
International Kinship Care 
International Surrogacy 
4.Overall, the quality of the training content was consistent throughout the course?(Required.)
5.Was the level of the content what you expected from a beginner's course?(Required.)
6.Was the learning platform intuitive? (Required.)
7.Overall, how would you rate the accessibility of the course?(Required.)
8.Is there anything that we can do to make the course more accessible to others in the future?
9.After having done this training, please rate your confidence in practice when dealing with issues of international child protection.(Required.)
10.What difference do you think this training will make to your work with children, young people and their families?(Required.)
11.Please share with us an example of how you will use the knowledge that you have learnt from this training in practice
12.Where would you normally look for training opportunities?(Required.)
13.Are there any other topics that you would have liked to have covered in this course? 
14.Is there anything that could be improved to make the content or delivery of this course even better?
15.Please kindly provide any feedback you might have on any of the modules or the overall course. 
16.If you would like a certificate as proof of completion for your training modules, please provide an email address to receive it. Alternatively, you can email: and we will send the certificate promptly.
Current Progress,
0 of 16 answered