Marketing Strategy 

1.What best describes your job title?
2.How would you best describe your firm?
3.What is your firm's turnover?
4.Did your company grow last year?
5.Do you have a written marketing strategy?
6. The firm's marketing strategy is: 
Strongly agree
Neither agree not disagree
Strongly disagree
Informed by client feedback
Looks forward 0-2 years
Looks forward 2-4 years
Segments your target market based on their industry sector
Segments your target market based on their location
Focuses on your practice groups/service lines
Focuses on new product development
Covers how your services meet the needs of your clients
Includes promotional tactics
7.Do you have a formal client feedback programme?
8.The professionals in my firm are engaged with business development?
9.The professionals in my firm are recognised by management for spending time on business development
10.The professionals in my firm have individual business development plans
Current Progress,
0 of 10 answered