How much do you know about feral cat populations?

Help us find out more about what local residents think about feral cats by taking this short survey.

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* 1. What part of the country do you live?

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* 2. Please could you specify at least one of the following:

(This is so we can identify patterns/trends with feral cats)

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* 3. Do you own a pet cat?

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* 4. If yes, how many?

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* 5. Have you ever heard of the term feral cat?

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* 6. Do you know the difference between a stray cat and a feral cat?

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* 7. If yes, can you write down what it is?

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* 8. Do you have any feral cats living in your neighbourhood?

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* 9. Does anyone look after the feral cats living in your neighbourhood?

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* 10. If yes, are they:

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* 11. Does your cat/s have any problems with feral cats?

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* 12. If yes, please describe.

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* 13. Do you perceive feral cats are a problem for your neighbourhood?

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* 14. If yes, why?

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* 15. Do you know if councils and local authorities have a legal responsibility to deal with stray cats?

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* 16. Do you think councils and local authorities should have a legal responsibility to deal with feral cats?

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* 17. Have you heard of Trap Neuter Return programmes in relation to feral cats?

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* 18. What do you think should be done to control the feral cat population?

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* 19. Who do you think should be responsible for managing the feral cat population and running the trap Neuter Release Programmes?

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* 20. Is it acceptable to have feral cat colonies in the UK?

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* 21. Is ‘Community Cats’ a better name to Feral Cats?

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* 22. Would you donate to a charity like the National Animal Welfare Trust to fund volunteers managing the feral cat population?

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* 23. If you would like to stay in touch about the results of the survey, then please fill out the form below. 

Please note we will only contact you about the survey results.

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* 24. Would you like to receive additional information about NAWT?