Welcome to the SFG20 Customer Survey where you get the chance to share your feedback and ideas! This short survey allows you to input into the future development of the product – and ensure we are offering you the very best service.
As a special thank you we’ll also enter you into a draw for the chance to win an Apple watch!
We’ll only use your responses internally, and we'll only get in touch to let you know if you won the draw, or (if you say that we can) to find out more about your answers.
You can complete the survey until Thursday 6th October 2022, and we’ll run the draw as soon as the survey closes. 
Thanks so much for your feedback – it ensures we can deliver the very best product and service to you.
Click here for the T&C's. 

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1. Full name

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2. Name of company

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3. Phone Number

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4. On a scale of 0-10, with 0 being very unlikely and 10 being very likely, how likely are you to recommend SFG20?

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5. What do you use SFG20 for?

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6. Does the product help you achieve your goals?

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7. What is your favourite product feature?

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8. If you could change one thing about our product, what would it be?

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9. What one additional product feature would be beneficial as a user?

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10. How would you rate the quality of our technical content?

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11. How would you rate the quality of our customer support experience?

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12. Did our support team completely resolve any issues you may have experienced?

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13. How long did it take us to resolve your problem?

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14. Did our support team make you feel valued as a customer?

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15. How easy did we make it to handle your issue?

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16. How would you rate the quality of our bespoke consultancy solutions team?

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18. How are you using SFG20 data with your CAFM system?

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19. Do you use product data templates or standards and if so, what format do you use?

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20. Would you like to help shape future product developments through participating in an online SFG20 User Group?

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21. Which of the following areas would you benefit from receiving SFG20 training support?

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22. Would you like to find out more about our range of products and services that can map your asset information, model your maintenance budget and resource requirements, and support you with bespoke projects?

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23. Only if we need to, can we contact you to help us understand more about your answers?