Exploring the gap between evidence and practice in the management of low back pain.

You are invited to participate in a survey aimed at exploring students' knowledge of evidence based management of low back pain (LBP). Your participation in the survey is entirely voluntary and you are under no obligation to participate.

What is the purpose of this survey?
The objectives of this survey are (1) to identify current gaps in knowledge among Australian physiotherapy students in examining and managing individuals with low back pain; and (2) to address these gaps through creation of an online educational resource. 

Who can participate in this survey?
Undergradute physiotherapy students in their final 2 years of study and any post graduate physiotherapy students.

What does the survey involve?
If you choose to volunteer, your participation will involve:

The completion of an online questionnaire (approximately 10 minutes) to explore your understanding of the current evidence base in relation to the assessment and management of LBP.

Please do not attempt to study for this questionnaire as it will affect results. Your results will not be made identifiable to anyone in any way. At the completion of the questionnaire you will be required to provide your email address so that you can be invited to subsequent surveys evaluating the effectiveness of the educational resource created. 

You will not receive any payment for your participation, however you will receive free access to any resources created.

Will my details be kept confidential?
The procedures require allocation of a code number to identify you and any data associated with your participation. This ensures your anonymity during any analysis, as your name will not be used. No findings that identify you will be published and access to individual results is restricted to the investigators. Coded data will be stored for at least 5 years. All data and results will be handled in a strictly confidential manner, under guidelines set out by the National Health and Medical Research Council.

Question Title

* 1. I willingly volunteer to participate in the survery titled ‘Knowledge and confidence of physiotherapy students in the management of low back disorders.' I am happy to complete online questionnaires to explore my knowledge of current evidence and confidence in applying this evidence in the management of low back disorders. I am aware that I am free to withdraw participation at any time without penalty.

Question Title

* 2. Please provide your initials (first and last name) and date of birth (day and month) - e.g. John Smith, who was born on the 2nd of March would be JS0203

This code will be needed again for a post-resource survey to evaluate the effectiveness of the educational resource in improving your knowledge and confidence when managing patients with LBDs.

Thanks for your help and please ensure you complete the entire survey.

Take your time but no cheating by using google please!