The aim of the project is to identify a preferred route for a high-quality, segregated walking, wheeling and cycling route linking the centre of Helensburgh, HMNB Clyde and Garelochhead. We will look at a range of route options before designing a preferred route up to ‘concept design’, with local community engagement at each stage.

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* 1. Please enter the first four letters/numbers of your Post Code (where you start your journey).

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* 2. Do you currently walk, wheel or cycle or cycle on any route between Garelochhead and Helensburgh?

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* 3. If only one improvement could be made along the route what would it be?

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* 4. What changes would encourage you to walk, wheel or cycle between Garelochhead and Helensburgh more often?

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* 5. Would you use a new active travel path between Helensburgh and Garelochhead to commute?

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* 6. Would you use a new active travel path between Helensburgh and Garelochhead for leisure purposes?

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* 7. Are there any barriers that would prevent you from using a high-quality active travel path if one existed between Helensburgh and Garelochhead (i.e lack of access to a bike, shortage of bike stands in the location you would visit, a disability)?

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* 8. Is there anything else you would like to add ?

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* 9. If you would like to join the engagement group please enter your personal email address here.