Introduction (Page 1/4)

Are you involved in the assessment or installation of cables in the marine environment?  Defra needs your help!

Defra is implementing a new Offshore Wind Environmental Improvements Package (OWEIP) to support the British Energy Security Strategy (BESS) measure to deliver 50 GW of offshore wind energy by 2030. OWEIP aims to accelerate offshore wind deployment while protecting, and offering opportunities to enhance, the marine environment. As part of this, Defra needs your help to fill in gaps in public domain information, and specific data on the risks and opportunities of sandwave levelling.

Defra aims to create a clear, consistent approach to avoiding and mitigating the negative impacts of offshore wind projects and, where possible, avoid the need for environmental compensation. Therefore, as part of the OWEIP, Defra are developing a package of Offshore Wind Environmental Standards (OWES).  We need your help to investigate whether sandwave levelling could be used as a potential mitigation measure for cable rock protection.

Your answers to our 10/15-minute questionnaire will help fill gaps in our understanding on where and how often we are using this method and what the risks, impacts and opportunities are associated with its use.

Any supporting information and data you can provide will significantly help expand the evidence base and we would be happy to comply with any associated confidentiality restrictions.

Please submit your responses by 24 November.

We would be grateful if you could forward the link to relevant colleagues; your responses will be much appreciated.

The information you provide will be used in support this evidence project. We are also providing a supporting Evidence Database for use by Defra and others for future projects. If your data/information is confidential we will be happy to comply with any associated confidentiality restrictions and remove/redact it from the Evidence Database. 

Question Title

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25% of survey complete.