BAPAM Community Drop-in Wellbeing Survey

You are attending our Community Drop-in sessions which are designed to help you develop and maintain your health and wellbeing, particularly over the COVID-19 lockdown period. This survey uses two well-evidenced tools to measure your physical and mental well-being (Quick Dash and the Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Wellbeing Scale) and may be useful for you to see how your physical and mental wellbeing change over time.   We are also keen to measure the impact of this scheme and would be most grateful if you would allow us to review your scores so that we can evaluate it. There is an optional section for you to include your name if you wish to participate in the evaluation. 

Please note that the lower the score the better your health and wellbeing!

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* 1. In the last week did you have any difficulty in using your usual technique to practice?

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* 2. In the last week did you have any difficulty in practising because of arm, shoulder or hand pain?

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* 3. In the last week did you have any difficulty in practising as well as you would like?

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* 4. In the last week did you have any difficulty in spending your usual amount of time practising?

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* 5. Over the last two weeks I've been feeling optimistic about the future

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* 6. Over the last two weeks I've been feeling useful

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* 7. Over the last two weeks I've been feeling relaxed

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* 8. Over the last two weeks I've been feeling interested in other people

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* 9. Over the last two weeks I've had energy to spare

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* 10. Over the last two weeks I've been dealing with problems well

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* 11. Over the last two weeks I've been thinking clearly

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* 12. Over the last two weeks I've been feeling good about myself

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* 13. Over the last two weeks I've been feeling close to other people

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* 14. Over the last two weeks I've been feeling confident

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* 15. Over the last two weeks I've been able to make up my own mind about things

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* 16. Over the last two weeks I've been feeling loved

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* 17. Over the last two weeks I've been interested in new things

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* 18. Over the last two weeks I've been feeling cheerful

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* 19. Please add any further comments about the Community Drop-in if you would like to.

Thank you very much for completing this questionnaire. We will use the information to help evaluate BAPAM services. If you have identified a health problem and you would like an appointment with a BAPAM clinician, please do not hesitate to contact us on 0207 404 8444 or

Just a reminder that low scores = better health and well-being

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* 20. If you wish to participate in the evaluation, please could you tell us your name and details so we can compare the results with your previous questionnaire