Autism Survey (October 2023)

Can you spare a few minutes to help us make Newcastle upon Tyne a great place to live for autistic people.
Skills for People are working with Collaborative Newcastle to contribute towards an Autism plan for Newcastle upon Tyne.
We are asking autistic people and their families what would help them to have the life that they want.  This could be understanding what autism means to you, mental health and wellbeing services, housing, friendships and relationships or education and employment support.
The information provided in this survey will only be used for the purpose of this consultation and information provided is anonymous

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* 1. How old are you?

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* 2. Are you a

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* 3. Which of the following best represents how you think of yourself?

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* 4. What is your ethnicity?

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* 5. What is your employment status?

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* 6. Which area of Newcastle do you live in?

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* 7. How old were you when you got diagnosed with autism?

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* 8. How long did it take you to get an autism assessment?

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* 9. After your autism diagnosis what support did you receive?

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* 10. Were you signposted to any local services for support?

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* 11. What support would have been helpful after your diagnosis?

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* 12. Do you feel that you have a good understanding about autism and what it means to you?

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* 13. Which services do you currently go to for support and how do they support you?

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* 14. What stops you from accessing support?

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* 15. What are the biggest challenges you face that impact your day to day life?

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* 16. What support would help meet your autistic needs and make your life better?

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* 17. Is there anything else that’s important to you that you would like to tell us?

Thank you