Proposed International Irish Traveller Mincéir/Pavee Day

Proposed International Irish Traveller Day

This survey is for Irish Travellers around the world.

An International Irish Traveller Day steering group are proposing  to create an International Irish Traveller day to celebrate the rich heritage and culture of Irish Travellers. We aim to turn this into an annual one-day opportunity to celebrate and raise awareness of the rich cultural traditions and heritage of our people. We feel that a day of our own to celebrate our rich heritage would help bring us closer together as a community, helping to spread a revived pride.
1.What is your age ?
2.This question is about your gender idenity.
Which of the following do you identify as ?
3.Do you consider yourself to be an Irish Traveller ?
4. Do you feel that Irish Traveller Culture is celebrated enough around the world  ?
5.Do you think  there should  be a specific Day on which irish Traveller Mincéir/Pavee Culture and History is celebrated around the world.
6.Irish Travellers were reconised by the Irish state as an indigenous ethnic minority  on the 1st March 2017 . 

Should we stick to this date or adopt our own ?
7.Most international or global days are celebrated to create awareness and educate people. 
A day to celabrate rich culture, language and heritage.

What date of the year would be a good day to celabrate an International Irish Mincéir/Pavee Day ? 
8.In your opinion which of the following should be an icon/symbol/flag that would represent International Irish Traveller day ?
9.In what country do you live?
10.In what way would you/your family celebrate an International Irish Traveller Mincéir/Pavee Day ?
Current Progress,
0 of 10 answered