Website feedback

We would appreciate your feedback on your experience of using the website, which will help the Charity Commission for Northern Ireland to identify potential areas for improvement.

Question Title

* Were you able to find what you were looking for?

Question Title

* Tell us what you couldn't find:

Question Title

* Rate your experience:

Question Title

* Why do you say that?

Question Title

* Please rate from 1-5 your satisfaction with the navigation:

Question Title

* Please rate from 1-5 your satisfaction with the contents of pages:

Question Title

* Please rate from 1-5 your satisfaction with the helpfulness of information:

Question Title

* Any suggestions for improving the website:

Question Title

* What is your role?

Thank you for completing this survey. Unfortunately, we won’t be able to respond individually to any comments or suggestions, but we do use feedback to improve our services.