Energy price rise - how will rising energy bills affect you?

This is your chance to have your say

Ofgem has raised the price cap for energy bills by 50% from April 2022 which has resulted in energy companies raising their prices across the board. Gas supply issues facing the industry will also drive up gas prices. We want to find out how energy prices affect you and your ability to comfortably heat your homes, and how these price rises may make things more difficult for you.

This survey is for anyone in Scotland and is completely anonymous. We'd like to thank you in advance for having your say.

If you are a Hillcrest tenant and are struggling with energy costs, please call 0300 123 2640 or email, and Hillcrest Energy Advice Team will get in touch to assist you.
1.Do you worry about keeping your home warm during winter and the costs involved?
2.Ofgem is raising the price cap for energy bills, and energy providers have increased their prices as a result. Do you worry that these increases will leave you struggling to afford your energy bills following these planned increases in April 2022 ?
3.Of your monthly income, roughly what percentage do you think you spend on energy bills?
4.What form of heating do you use in your home?
5.Do you ever use alternative methods to keep warm and reduce costs? (Please select all that apply)
6.If you have a pre-payment meter, have you ever run out of gas or electricity due to lack of funds?

If you don't have a pre-payment meter please skip this question.
7.If you have a prepayment meter, how often are you in emergency credit?

If you don't have a pre-payment meter please skip this question.
8.Has struggling to heat your home ever caused you physical or mental health issues?
9.What is your housing status?