Our plan is to improve Poulshot for this and the following generations. Your views and suggestions are important to us.  In discussions with some residents, there are several concerns and suggestions that are repeatedly made, speeding traffic, parking, more pavements, as well as play areas, keeping the rural setting of the village and green space for all to enjoy. This survey asks for your opinion on these matters and any others you consider important. The more replies we get, the better it is for the village. The survey is being made accessible via an electronic link to all residents in the village and will be used when we undertake to plan how the village looks and works in the future. Paper copies can be collected from Cllr Bissett.

When new houses are built in the village, the Parish Council receives money. This money is to help pay for public services and things the village needs. It would be helpful for us to have some direction on what you as residents think is important for Poulshot to have. Maintenance of any assets must come from income, mainly the Council Tax Precept.

Question Title

* 1. What is your email address?

Question Title

* 2. Post Code

Question Title

* 3. Highways - Would you like to see (tick all that apply)

Question Title

* 4. Transport - Does the village need Bus Shelters

Question Title

* 5. Sports for young and old - Do residents need (tick all that apply)

Question Title

* 6. Recreation for young and old - Do residents need (tick all that apply)

Question Title

* 7. Outdoor Facilities - Would you like (tick all that apply)

It is likely that some of the suggestions above or received will not be possible without community support.

Ongoing maintenance of new assets will require an uplift of the precept.

Confidentiality All information will be treated confidentially. No household or individual will be identifiable during this research. The data we receive from each questionnaire will only be used for the purpose of supporting the plans for the future of the village. Once the plan is published, the questionnaires will be destroyed and only the summary data will be retained in our records.