The District of Stirling Licensing Board is currently in the process of reviewing its Statement of Licensing Policy, as it is required to do under the Licensing (Scotland) Act 2005.   That Policy, once adopted, will set out how the Board will consider certain matters related to alcohol licensing within its area.  To inform that Policy, the Board is following a process of consultation during 2018 and is looking to engage stakeholders and members of the public.   

At this stage, the Board is looking to assess whether any specific area(s) within its wider area have an overprovison of licensed premises and/or of licensed premises of a particular kind.   Currently, there is an area within the city centre of Stirling which is considered to be overprovided for in terms of licensed premises.  The Board is reviewing the overprovision position and is specifically looking to assess whether that area, or any area, within the Board’s area is currently overprovided for.   

A map of the current city centre area of overprovision can be viewed here.  Licensed premises within that area are shown on the map. 

The Board would be grateful for any responses received, which will help to inform the development of its Statement of Licensing Policy for the Stirling area.