University of Leicester Music Scholarships applicants Please complete the equal opportunities survey. Your responses will not be personally identifiable. Question Title * 1. What is your gender identity? Female (including trans women) Males (including trans men) Non-binary (e.g. adrogyne) Prefer not to say Not known Question Title * 2. Is your gender identity different to the sex you were assumed at birth? Yes No Prefer not to say Not known Question Title * 3. What is the age bracket that you fall into regarding the following options? 0-19 20-34 35-49 50-64 65-74 75+ Prefer not to say Not known Question Title * 4. Do you have a disability and/or impairment? Identify as a deaf or disabled person, or have a long term health condition Non-disabled staff Prefer not to say Not known Question Title * 5. Would you class yourself to be neurodivergent? Yes No Question Title * 6. How would you describe your ethnicity? White British White Irish Gypsy or Irish Traveller Any other White background White & Black Caribbean White & Black African White & Asian Any other Mixed background Indian Pakistani Bangladeshi Chinese Any other Asian Background Black African Black Caribbean Any other Black background Arab Latin American Any other ethic group Prefer not to say Not known Question Title * 7. What is your sexual orientation? Bisexual Gay Man Gay Woman/Lesbian Heterosexual/Straight Queer Prefer not to say Not known Question Title * 8. Please select the occupation of the main/highest income earner in your household when you were age 14. Modern Professional Occupations Clerical and Intermediate Occupations Senior Managers and Administrators Technical and Craft Occupations Semi-routine Manual and Service Occupations Routine Manual and Service Occupations Middle and Junior Managers Traditional Professional Occupations Short Term Unemployed Long Term Unemployed Retired Not applicable Don't know Prefer not to say Done