1. Your views about your school – Questions for pupils

We want to know what pupils think of school: What do you think works well? What needs to change? How could we make things better?

What you tell us is private and anonymous. We will not be able to identify who you are from the survey so feel free to tell us what you really think. 

By telling us what you think, you will be helping schools to make improvements. Your views will help your own school and other schools across Edinburgh.

The survey will take about 10 minutes or so to complete.
We do need you to tell us which school you attend.

Thank you for completing the survey.

Question Title

* 3. Please choose the appropriate response for each of the following statements:

  Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree Neither agree nor disagree
The school is helping me to become more confident.
I enjoy learning at school.
I am getting along well with my school work.
Staff encourage me to do the best I can.
Staff talk to me regularly about how to improve my learning.
I get help when I need it.
Staff listen to me and pay attention to what I say.
When I moved from my previous school into this one, the staff helped me with this change
I have a say in making the way we learn in school better.
Staff expect me to take responsibility for my own work in class.
I learn how to support my mental and emotional wellbeing at school
I have a say in what is taught in PSE lessons
Health and Wellbeing is valued in my school
Staff encourage me to develop my own creativity
I have opportunities to use creativity in my learning
Staff treat me fairly and with respect.
Pupils treat me fairly and with respect.
I feel safe in school.
I feel cared for in school.
I have adults in school I can speak to if am upset or worried about something.
I find it easy to talk to staff and they set a good example.
Staff make sure that pupils behave well.
Staff are good at dealing with bullying behaviour.
I would know who to go to if I was being bullied.
There seems to be a lot of bullying in the school.
The pupil council is good at getting improvements made in the school.
The school encourages me to make healthy-food choices.
I take part in out-of-class activities and school clubs.
I know what out-of-school activities and youth groups are available in my local area.
School makes a positive difference to my life
I expect to be able to get a job, college, training or university place when I leave school

Question Title

* 4. Is there something else you would like to tell us about your school? Please tell us here: