FFEF Audience Survey IN-VENUE - Acton Arts Project We hope you enjoyed this event/film!This event/ screening is brought to you using BFI Film Audience Network (FAN) funds from the National Lottery, in support of giving everyone, everywhere in the UK the opportunity to enjoy a diverse range of British and international films. We are carrying out this survey to find out if our activities are helping to achieve this aim. We appreciate these are unusual times. Thank you for taking part. Question Title * Which event/film screening did you attend? No Time to Die Dune Last Night in Soho Don't Look Up House of Gucci Spencer Censor Like Father, Like Son Petite Maman The French Dispatch The Humans West Side Story It's a Wonderful Life Mary and the Witches Flower Early Man Question Title * If you watched a film as part of the event, how would you rate the film? Very Good Good Neither Good nor Poor Poor Very Poor Question Title * If there was additional activity e.g. Q&A, introduction, catering, live score etc., how would you rate your experience of this? Very Good Good Neither Good nor Poor Poor Very Poor Question Title * How would you rate your experience of the venue? Very Good Good Neither Good nor Poor Poor Very Poor Question Title * Did this event/screening do any of the following? Please tick all that apply. Introduced you to new types of films Encouraged you to attend similar events Increase your appetite for independent British and international films Make you feel connected with a community of attendees Not sure None of these Question Title * Have you ever attended and event/film run by this organisation before? Yes No Yes, before lockdown Yes, since re-opening Question Title * Do you feel appropriate measures have been taken to maximise customer safety? Yes No Please comment: Question Title * How important were the following in your decision to visit the cinema today? Rating Big screen and sound experience Very important Fairly important Important Slightly important Not important Big screen and sound experience Rating menu The film title that was being screened Very important Fairly important Important Slightly important Not important The film title that was being screened Rating menu A wish to return to normal activity Very important Fairly important Important Slightly important Not important A wish to return to normal activity Rating menu Social time with friends or family Very important Fairly important Important Slightly important Not important Social time with friends or family Rating menu A wish to Support Your Local Venue Very important Fairly important Important Slightly important Not important A wish to Support Your Local Venue Rating menu Question Title * If you have any other comment or feedback about the event, please use this box to tell us. This section is about you and your answers are anonymous. Completing it will help us evaluate the effectiveness of our work to boost audience diversity and inclusivity. The questions are aligned to the Office for National Statistics’ categories so we can compare our audience profile to the general population. Thank you for your time. Question Title * Gender Female Male Non-binary Intersex Prefer not to say Prefer to identify as (please specify below) Prefer to identify as (please specify): Question Title * Is your gender the same now as it was assigned at birth? Yes No Question Title * Age 0-15 16-19 20-24 25-30 31-34 35-39 40-49 50-59 60-69 70+ Prefer not to say Question Title * What is your sexual orientation? Bisexual Gay/Lesbian Heterosexual/Straight Prefer not to say Prefer to use own term If you prefer to use your own term, please specify: Question Title * Do you identify as D/deaf, and/or do you consider yourself to have a disability or long-term health? I am D/deaf I have a disability No Prefer not to say Question Title * Religion/Belief Buddhist Christian Hindu Jewish Muslim Sikh No religion Other Prefer not to say Question Title * Please tell us about your ethnic origin: Indian Pakistani Bangladeshi Any other South Asian background Chinese Japanese Any other East Asian background African Caribbean Any other Black/African/Caribbean background White and Black Caribbean White and Black African White and Asian Any other Mixes/Multiple ethnic background English/Welsh/Scottish/Northern Irish/British Irish Black/African/Caribbean/Black British - Caribbean Roma or Irish Traveller Any other White background Arab Any other ethnic group Prefer not to say Thank you! Responses to this survey will be collated and analysed by the event organiser. The collated data will be shared with the funders of this activity, the BFI and BFI FAN. Question Title Done